Month: October 2022

What Makes A Great _______

What Makes A Great Teacher?


A Great Teacher takes responsibility and knowledge. Great teachers gets to know students and more intelligent stuff about them however that takes different priorities as well as setting a goal to achieve would be good.


  • What Makes A Great Student? 


A good student is an amazing learner and listener. Good students define respect and gratitude which makes a great student overall. 


  • What Makes A Great Learner? –  


A great learner participates in work that is discussed particularly often. It’s good to know that a great learner could be really successful as well as graduating. And because of that people get amazing job opportunities.


; Great Learners are enrolled in good colleges and universities for a reason. And that’s because they are really smart and hard-working when it comes to having a really neat reputation. When people have high expectations for you it gives you motivation to keep going and to never give up as a successor.


In conclusion a good learner has experience and is really amazing when it comes to having great vocab and sharing ideas. OVERALL great learners are truly astonishing and really do have a passion for learning.


Immersion Assembly

This morning we had an Immersion Assembly and there were performances from year 1-7&8s class teachers where they would form a group within the classes and put on a show to inspire the younger people observing. However we were able to support the performances done and agree with what was going on during the Assembly, overall I enjoyed the whole assembly as well as being inspired by the team 5s amazing performance.

Mr Wiseman, Mr Burt, Mr Somerville, and Mr Jackson made a very creative song with admirable lyrics as well. Mr Somerville and Mr Wiseman were drumming and playing electric guitar. Then Mr Jackson and Mr Burt were singing and doing the best vocals.

Teams 1 to 3 were about emotions and learning how to express them and not letting others feel left out so including them would be the best thing to do specifically dancing too. Team 4 was about superheros and others having their own special abilities also having Team 5 talking about “Billy” having hairy legs and getting made fun of for that, in the ending Billy was able to overcome that by getting stood up for by his new friend that waited for the right time to speak up for him.