Term 4 DLO Post 2023

Today, I am blogging my reflection on our 2023 DLO for term 4, we’re studying technology. To admit on week 1 starting this progress in operating for our project we are meant to be satisfied with we would ask various of questions about “how will our project stable”, “what will we do to ensure our destined project will be a success and be used for the ongoing “future” of pt england school. It was our predictions that we had worried about most, if we’ll complete it in time knowing how many weeks we have for the finished project ensuring we’re happy with what we established in time. Not too big, not too small, just exactly what we want in measurements/sizes including details with our project meanwhile keeping ourselves busy with productive stuff to do.

 So, to start off our group Care decided to pick from our options and soon later decided to build a “Snack Holder” for our group project. We wanted to prevent rotting smells like fruits and leftover lunches that are provided from the school’s supervisors. Our group Care made sure it would be functioning properly and we’d paint it. The main colours were supposed to be Red and Black, BUT! Meanwhile blending we mixed red with white so we decided to paint it pink, blue, black, and grey. We were happy with the progress we made when we accomplished painting our finished design.

My Highlights during the process is being able to have fun being productive by researching, helping correct our groups before punctuation fixing sentences, turning short sentences into paragraphs and the opposite of that. We all had a part in our DLO, we recorded our intros, edited our DLO video and split it into bits to make it more organised. As the weeks went by we made a lot of good process we’re satisfied with and finished it in time.

My Lowlights is not being here for the first week to help contribute in what we should make with the options we have. We also forgot about important stuff like wheels and not being able to get the right colours whenever we tried to blend.

Thats all, Thank you for reading as goes for my best regards from, Raewyn. ( Watch our DLO for more information! )

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