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Goal Setting

This year I have moved up 6 months in reading so far.

I would like to move up and proceed make it till the rest of the year with more new improvements.

I am good at confidently speaking with a loud voice while reading without any non intended mistakes when wording.

I need to work on my own pronoun cation when trying to sound out most words longer words etc. I manage to stutter and mumble every now and then and I find it really difficult but once I try again I most definitely get it correct


Hi today we did a experiment with a cup full of water and mixed in food coloring and we added 1 tablespoon of baking soda and we stirred it amazingly. we added 1/4 cups of uncooked rice and 1 tablespoon of white vinegar. the result was a bit boring because i think we added a bit too much rice but it still fizzed up and it looked so cool as a first time thing with me