Tag: Yesterday

Yesterdays Recap

Yesterday was a day off from school for me due to the bad sickness that I caught three weeks ago. But I feel much better now and I want to share what I did at home yesterday. It was a day filled with different activities that kept me entertained, relaxed, and productive.

My Mom and I decided to take a look at the fridge and cabinets, and instead of going out to buy groceries, we ordered some takeaways to feed the family. It was a great decision as we all sat and talked while having our food, which was a great bonding experience. We shared stories, jokes, and discussed our plans for the upcoming weekend.

After 20 minutes, I decided to go to my room and start cleaning and organising. My room was a mess, and I had been procrastinating on cleaning it for a while. I took a lot of breaks, so it took me four hours from 6 pm to 10 pm to finish. But seeing my room in a better state than before gave me more motivation and I was happy with the progress I made. Cleaning and organising my room helped me clear my mind and get rid of any stress that I was feeling. It also helped me feel more productive and accomplished.

At 11 pm, I debated on what activities I should do next and decided to play video games. I had just finished drawing a creative portrait of a Latin princess in my own sense of style, so I felt like I deserve a break. I played horror video games with my sisters, and we had a great time. It was a good distraction for them, as they were feeling stressed about their art and technician studies. We laughed and screamed together while playing the games, and it was a great bonding experience for all of us.

However, we got caught by my dad while playing the games, and he gave us a disappointed facial expression and a lecture. But we still managed to sneak in some more fun by watching a scary movie, The Conjuring. We had some snacks to keep us awake and energetic during the movie. Our favourite part of the movie was when the nun appeared out of the painting and jump scared us. We all held in our tears as our hearts dropped. 

An hour later I have this app so I can encourage myself to learn more about playing guitar and learning the passionate meaning behind it as I am buying an electric guitar on my birthday or on Christmas as a gift from my relatives for me spoiler but I’m really excited knowing my birthday is coming up.

Overall I am glad I got some much-needed rest while also doing other things that I love. Bonding with my family over food and games, cleaning and organising my room, and watching a scary movie with my sisters were the highlights of my day. The day was a perfect balance of relaxation, productivity, and fun falling asleep at 3 in the morning ready for the next day too. Maybe have a calming and productive day much better than yesterday.