Term 4 DLO Post 2023

Today, I am blogging my reflection on our 2023 DLO for term 4, we’re studying technology. To admit on week 1 starting this progress in operating for our project we are meant to be satisfied with we would ask various of questions about “how will our project stable”, “what will we do to ensure our destined project will be a success and be used for the ongoing “future” of pt england school. It was our predictions that we had worried about most, if we’ll complete it in time knowing how many weeks we have for the finished project ensuring we’re happy with what we established in time. Not too big, not too small, just exactly what we want in measurements/sizes including details with our project meanwhile keeping ourselves busy with productive stuff to do.

 So, to start off our group Care decided to pick from our options and soon later decided to build a “Snack Holder” for our group project. We wanted to prevent rotting smells like fruits and leftover lunches that are provided from the school’s supervisors. Our group Care made sure it would be functioning properly and we’d paint it. The main colours were supposed to be Red and Black, BUT! Meanwhile blending we mixed red with white so we decided to paint it pink, blue, black, and grey. We were happy with the progress we made when we accomplished painting our finished design.

My Highlights during the process is being able to have fun being productive by researching, helping correct our groups before punctuation fixing sentences, turning short sentences into paragraphs and the opposite of that. We all had a part in our DLO, we recorded our intros, edited our DLO video and split it into bits to make it more organised. As the weeks went by we made a lot of good process we’re satisfied with and finished it in time.

My Lowlights is not being here for the first week to help contribute in what we should make with the options we have. We also forgot about important stuff like wheels and not being able to get the right colours whenever we tried to blend.

Thats all, Thank you for reading as goes for my best regards from, Raewyn. ( Watch our DLO for more information! )

Yesterdays Recap

Yesterday was a day off from school for me due to the bad sickness that I caught three weeks ago. But I feel much better now and I want to share what I did at home yesterday. It was a day filled with different activities that kept me entertained, relaxed, and productive.

My Mom and I decided to take a look at the fridge and cabinets, and instead of going out to buy groceries, we ordered some takeaways to feed the family. It was a great decision as we all sat and talked while having our food, which was a great bonding experience. We shared stories, jokes, and discussed our plans for the upcoming weekend.

After 20 minutes, I decided to go to my room and start cleaning and organising. My room was a mess, and I had been procrastinating on cleaning it for a while. I took a lot of breaks, so it took me four hours from 6 pm to 10 pm to finish. But seeing my room in a better state than before gave me more motivation and I was happy with the progress I made. Cleaning and organising my room helped me clear my mind and get rid of any stress that I was feeling. It also helped me feel more productive and accomplished.

At 11 pm, I debated on what activities I should do next and decided to play video games. I had just finished drawing a creative portrait of a Latin princess in my own sense of style, so I felt like I deserve a break. I played horror video games with my sisters, and we had a great time. It was a good distraction for them, as they were feeling stressed about their art and technician studies. We laughed and screamed together while playing the games, and it was a great bonding experience for all of us.

However, we got caught by my dad while playing the games, and he gave us a disappointed facial expression and a lecture. But we still managed to sneak in some more fun by watching a scary movie, The Conjuring. We had some snacks to keep us awake and energetic during the movie. Our favourite part of the movie was when the nun appeared out of the painting and jump scared us. We all held in our tears as our hearts dropped. 

An hour later I have this app so I can encourage myself to learn more about playing guitar and learning the passionate meaning behind it as I am buying an electric guitar on my birthday or on Christmas as a gift from my relatives for me spoiler but I’m really excited knowing my birthday is coming up.

Overall I am glad I got some much-needed rest while also doing other things that I love. Bonding with my family over food and games, cleaning and organising my room, and watching a scary movie with my sisters were the highlights of my day. The day was a perfect balance of relaxation, productivity, and fun falling asleep at 3 in the morning ready for the next day too. Maybe have a calming and productive day much better than yesterday.

Poi Awe

poi awe


site link : https://collections.tepapa.govt.nz/object/65427


name : poi awe


production : unknown , weaver , 19th century , new zealand


classification : poi


materials : muka (fibre


material summary : muka (flax fibre , tahuna , dog hair, kiekie, raupō (bulrush , pīngao (golden sand sedge , wool


techniques : wrap twining


dimensions : 102mm (width , 82mm (height , 133.7g (weight

Poi awe (percussive device) | Collections Online - Museum of New Zealand Te  Papa Tongarewa

registration number : me000150


credit line : acquisition history unknown


overview : A poi is a light, circular ball attached to a cord that is twirled with the twist of the wrists in combinations of movements, around and against the hands and body. This example is a very rare type woven in muka (flax fibre) with a technique called knotless netting. It is called a poi awe, due to the presence of the dog-hair awe (tassles) attached as decoration. Poi are used as visual and rhythmic accompaniments to Māori cultural song and dance performances. Performersmight use a single poi or a pair,with either short or long cordage lengths.Traditionally, dried raupō (bullrush) leaves were used as the ball covering, with braided muka for the cords. Today, synthetic materials are used.


description : This is a Poi Awe Muka, inspired by the beautiful Poi Awe at Te Papa. The body is a knotless netting technique made from muka (flax fibre), the packing is tāhuna from raupō (bullrush flower seeds), and kiekie makes up the diamond papakirango pattern.


poi whakapapa : ( ?

  • The Poi has its own whakapapa, which can be traced to Tānemahuta, the ancestral god of the forests and all things living in it. Tānemahuta mated with Hineiterepo (the swamp maiden) and they produced raupō (bulrush). Tānemahuta also mated with Pakoti (Pakoki) and created a superior species of harakeke (flax).

significance of poi in maori : ( https://www.mtghawkesbay.com


  • The Poi dance was originally used by the Māori women for keeping their hands flexible for weaving and by the men for strength and coordination required during battle. Poi are also used as a training aid for other ancient weapons like the Mere or Pātū.


waiata poi : ( https://maoridictionary.co.nz


  • (noun) song performed with a poi – modern songs are usually set to European-type tunes. Nā ēnei kōtiro te mahi waiata poi, waiata ā-ringa hoki hei mahi moni mō te kaupapa o Rātana (TTR 1998:113). / These young women performed poi songs and action songs to raise money for the Rātana movement.


can men do poi ? : ( .


  • The current Te Matatini champions, Te Whānau a-Apanui, are widely known for their catchy tunes and original ideas. The use of the poi, performed by their men and women, secured them first place in this discipline several years ago. 


why is poi important to maori ? ( .


  • The Poi was used, many years ago, by the indigenous Māori people of New Zealand to increase their flexibility and strength in their hands and arms as well as improving coordination.


what is poi in spirituality ? ( .


  • As poi Māori exponent Ngāmoni Huata explains, “Poi embodies whakapapa and the connection to the land and continuity of the culture through growth, hence the spiritual existence of poi is rooted in the beginnings of time.”


Te Rangi Haupapa – a woven history | Exhibitions | Tauranga Art Gallery<<< << In the Māori Language, ‘Poi’ refers to the ball on the end of a string. The ball is said to represent Tāne Mahuta’s head and the cord, his feet. This refers to the story where Tāne (God of the Forest) separated his parents Ranginui (Sky Father) and Papatuanuku (Earth Mother) and created the world. Literally meaning ‘to toss’ or ‘to swing’, learn more about different types of poi. — ( Poi with tassles, used for ceremonial purposes.


Eggs and Bacon

Walt: Recognise how much measurement and sharing division problems can be solved by building up with multiplication.

Know basic multiplication and division facts

Task Description: Hi I also worked on these slides late glad I finished, I liked these slides and my highlight is being able to build up without struggling, Lowlight on these slides was it getting a bit difficult again because i started feeling nauseous. Something I need to work on is being on time.

Multiplication Stories

WALT: Recognise how much measurement and sharing division problems can be solved by building up with multiplication

Know basic multiplication and division facts.

Task Description: Hi today I finished this task and was supposed to blog it yesterday night but fell asleep, my highlight about these slides were being able to show my working out confidently, low light is finding it difficult and getting stuck, something I need to work on is not finishing the slides before the day due to blog.

Basic Facts

Yesterday we did some basic facts and got a little stuck on it so i finished it off today but i think I need to practice it a little bit more but i had a lot of fun practising it more before the slides.

My highlight is getting better at my maths, low light is getting a little stuck on my division, something to work on is practising more.